April Featured Airman of the Month

  • Published
  • 146th AW
Congratulations to Technical Sergeant Quang Pham named April's featured Airman of the Month. The Resource and Equipment Manager for the 146th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Pham joined the Air National Guard in 2003 and has worked both as a supply technician and in the maintenance squadron. Pham has deployed several times with his unit, first in 2008 to Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan and in multiple MAFFS missions at his home station and in Wyoming.

Taking advantage of the GI Bill, Pham furthered his education earning his Master's Degree in Business Administration from American Military University, graduating with honors, Magna Cum Laude. He is currently a third year student at Ventura College of Law working towards completing a Juris Doctorate. Pham is an active member on campus, participating in several student organizations and underclassman mentor programs.

When he is not hard at work in LRS or hitting the law books, Pham is an active member and participant at the St. Mary Magdalen Vietnamese Catholic Community Church, as well as a member of the Focus 5/6 group in which NCOs mentor and help build leadership skills of up and coming junior NCOs. Pham also assists with organizing events for the local Veterans of Foreign War, fundraising for needy veterans.

Tech. Sgt. Quang Pham is a shining example of an excellent leader and well-rounded member of the 146th. His participation and dedication to better himself both on and off base makes him a great choice for this month's featured Airman. Congratulations Tech. Sgt. Quang Pham!

April Featured Airman of the Month

  • Published
  • 146th AW
Congratulations to Technical Sergeant Quang Pham named April's featured Airman of the Month. The Resource and Equipment Manager for the 146th Logistics Readiness Squadron, Pham joined the Air National Guard in 2003 and has worked both as a supply technician and in the maintenance squadron. Pham has deployed several times with his unit, first in 2008 to Bagram Air Force Base, Afghanistan and in multiple MAFFS missions at his home station and in Wyoming.

Taking advantage of the GI Bill, Pham furthered his education earning his Master's Degree in Business Administration from American Military University, graduating with honors, Magna Cum Laude. He is currently a third year student at Ventura College of Law working towards completing a Juris Doctorate. Pham is an active member on campus, participating in several student organizations and underclassman mentor programs.

When he is not hard at work in LRS or hitting the law books, Pham is an active member and participant at the St. Mary Magdalen Vietnamese Catholic Community Church, as well as a member of the Focus 5/6 group in which NCOs mentor and help build leadership skills of up and coming junior NCOs. Pham also assists with organizing events for the local Veterans of Foreign War, fundraising for needy veterans.

Tech. Sgt. Quang Pham is a shining example of an excellent leader and well-rounded member of the 146th. His participation and dedication to better himself both on and off base makes him a great choice for this month's featured Airman. Congratulations Tech. Sgt. Quang Pham!