How can I contact military personnel?
The Air Force World Wide Locator offered by the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) handles official and unofficial requests to locate Air Force Personnel. Official requests are defined as requests received from any government agency and the Department of Defense (DoD). All other requests are considered unofficial in nature.
The Air Force World Wide Locator only has location information on individuals who are currently receiving compensation from the USAF (Active Duty, Guard, Reserve, Retired, and Civil Service Personnel). If the individual has separated from the Air Force, no information is available. To obtain or find out more information about the service, you can contact AFPC at:
550 C Street West Suite 50
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752 Phone:
Commercial (210) 565-2660
Military to Military DSN 665-2660 Customer Service Hours:
Monday - Friday (except Federal Holidays)
7:30 AM - 4:30 PM (Central Standard Time) e-mail:
If you need to contact a military member for emergency purposes, call your local Red Cross chapter, click on "Your local Red Cross" and enter your zip code.
I have questions about the Air National Guard or the National Guard Bureau. How do I get answers?
National Guard Almanac (30th Ed, 2004), Copies can be purchased for $8.50 + $3.50 shipping. Contact: UNIFORMED SERVICES ALMANAC, INC., P.O. Box 4144-Z, Falls Church, VA 22044-0144. Phone: 703-532-1631.
I would like to sell a product/service to the Air National Guard?
Under the Federal Acquisition Regulations, any contracting opportunities/projects the National Guard undertakes are solicited via normal contracting procedures, including approval from the Acquisition Planning Board.
To find out about contracting opportunities with the National Guard, log on to the Commerce Business Daily website. All solicitations on behalf of the Guard can be found on that site.
What are my benefits as a National Guardsman?
For information on the benefits of being an Air Guardsman, visit the Air Reserve Personnel Center website.