Videos now available for viewing from the 146th!!!! Click here!!

  • Published
  • 146AW
After many months of diligence and a never give up attitude, we are happy to announce that videos are available for viewing and can be accessed from this website. Please click on the link below for a video story created  after last year's MAFFS training. And keep checking back as we post more videos which will include stories from our latest UTAs and Year In Review as well!

Click on link below:

Videos now available for viewing from the 146th!!!! Click here!!

  • Published
  • 146AW
After many months of diligence and a never give up attitude, we are happy to announce that videos are available for viewing and can be accessed from this website. Please click on the link below for a video story created  after last year's MAFFS training. And keep checking back as we post more videos which will include stories from our latest UTAs and Year In Review as well!

Click on link below: