July's Post its, Promotions and News Picks Published July 7, 2012 By Senior Airman Ashley Ramirez 146th Airlift Wing CHANNEL ISLANDS AIR NATIONAL GUARD STATION, Calif. -- Here is the latest news and information you need to know from the 146th Airlift Wing. For all the most up to date information be sure to check out our public webpage, like us on Facebook or even watch videos from YouTube and follow us on Twitter! Welcome our newest Airmen of the 146th! Timothy McCleary Guido Morales Bryson Phillippe Kurt Joob Barry Rutstein Scott Russell Farewell to all of our retirees and separations! Master Sergeant John Black Master Sergeant Hyrum Simpkins Jr Master Sergeant Peter Hunter Master Sergeant Duane Mottar Congratulations to recent graduates from formal schools! 2nd Liuetenant Sean Smith Pilot-Initial Qualification Airman 1st Class Cameron Davis Loadmaster-Initial and Mission Qualification Technical Sergeant Brian Miliefsky-Air National Guard NCO Academy Airman 1st Class Nicholas Hernandez- Enlisted Undergraduate Space Training Technical Sergeant Adrian Rivera- Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice Senior Airman Darren Melindo- Major Command Airman Leadership School Major James McDonald- Logistics Readiness Officer Dining Facility Menu Not provided by time of publication Religious Services: Catholic Mass: 1100 Protestant Service: 1230 Both services are held in the Commanders Conference Room, Bldg 119 UPDATE: MAFFS missions continuing in Wyoming Here is an update from our webpage regarding our MAFFS missions and firefighting efforts in Colorado and Wyoming. For all the latest news, be sure check out our webpage, like us on Facebook, watch our videos on YouTube and follow us on Twitter! Members of 146th Airlift Wing moved MAFFS (Modular Airborne Firefighting Systems) operations from Colorado Springs, Colo. July 4, 2012, and are now staging flights out of Cheyenne, Wyo.; home of the 153rd AW. The U.S. Forest Service continues to head the battle on wildfires in the Rocky Mountain area with six MAFFS aircraft-two from the 146AW, two from the 153AW, and two from the 302nd Air Force Reserve Command staging from their home station at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs. MAFFS efforts have been focused on the Squirrel Creek fire about 70 miles west of Cheyenne. Since June 30 when MAFFS flights commenced, the 146th has performed 29 drops for a cumulative 78, 910 gallons of retardant dropped. Flights continue as weather and conditions permit upon the request of U.S. Forest Service. From the Charlotte North Carolina Family Programs Office: We'd like to begin by thanking everyone for their outpouring of love and support for the crew members and families of MAFFS 7. There has been a tremendous response from the local community which has now spread nationally, is ongoing, for which we are both humbled and grateful. If you are considering a monetary donation please use the information below. We ask that you be very specific regarding the expectation, intent and use for your donation. We're here to help with your donation and want to make sure it is used in the manner for which you intended. Donations directly to the families can also be made and we would gladly help facilitate delivery though the respective Family Liaison Officer. The Friends of the Airmen & Family Readiness Center is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. We'll acknowledge all donations with a "Thank You" letter that includes the tax exempt information for our organization. Please make checks payable to the FAFRC with specific intent of your donation in the "for" section of the check or by separate, otherwise it will be added to the general MAFFS 7 memorial fund. Friends of the Airman & Family Readiness Center Attn: BGen (Ret) Fisk Outwater 4930 Minuteman Way Charlotte, NC 28208-3866 If you are interested in making donations to the children's scholarship funds, please give us a call, as we are currently checking to see if that is a benefit that might already be taken care of. If you would like to send flowers or other donations please forward them to the address below. Again, thank you all for the love and support of our Air Guard Family. Please call (704) 398-4949 if you have questions or if we can be of further assistance. Terry Henderson, Airman & Family Readiness Program Manager 145th Force Support Squadron/FSF, N.C. Air Guard 4930 Minuteman Way, Charlotte, NC 28208 Off: 704-398-4949 Fax: 704-391-4461 Email: Terry.Henderson@ang.af.mil Flag burning ceremony during UTA weekend In light of the upcoming Independence Day holiday, no doubt most of you will be purchasing a new American flag for your house, condo, or RV. To uphold the traditional and proper way to dispose of Old Glory, we are collecting old, tattered, and frayed flags in HQ for a ceremonial flag-burning to be held on July UTA by a local Boy Scout Troop from Ventura. A box is in the Wing CC area for your flags. At 1400 Saturday, of this UTA, behind the OPS building we will hold the ceremony. Please join us if time permits. VA Mobile enrollment here Sunday The VA will be here on station Sunday July 8 to do another mobile enrollment. Members who have been deployed or have never registered for the VA are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. They will be able to assist in filling out initial enrollment forms as well as performing initial intake physicals. Members who sign up will need to bring a copy of a DD214 to give to the VA representatives. AGR's are not able to enroll with the VA at this time, but they are welcome to come on a walk in basis to speak with the benefits administrator if they would like. Please contact Julie Morency if you would like to make an appointment. 2012 Dining Out Announced The 146AW is pleased to announce the 2012 Dining Out to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ventura. The Dining Out is 4 August. Please see either Capt Chris Lowe or CMSgt Rick Onsgard for more information. Free tickets for Veterans and Active duty FREE TICKETS are available for active duty military, veterans and guests for the play AS YOU LIKE IT which runs from 10-29 July, and is being performed at the VA Hospital grounds in West Los Angeles. It looks like the performances are outdoors, and you can bring your own picnic or buy sandwiches there. For more information call Carolyn at 213-481-2273 GI Bill transfer deadline Members who are eligible to transfer their GI Bill should do it before August 1, 2012 because anyone who transfers after that date will incur a 4 year obligation. There will be no exceptions. Call the Retention office if you have any questions 893-7771. 2012 Ventura County Stand Down Once again, it's time for the 2011 Ventura County Homeless Veterans Stand Down. This year will mark the 20th anniversary of Stand Down helping the homeless veterans. The Stand Down dates are as follows: 18-19 July is for set up, 20-22 July is the Stand Down, and 22 July is for cleanup. As in past years, we are looking for volunteers to help out during stand down. Some of the duties include set up, clean up, preparing meals, serving meals, distributing clothing, tent leaders and just listening to these folks talk about their experiences. This is a great opportunity to give back to our community and help out our homeless veterans. If you are interested in a volunteering for this very worthwhile event, please contact Chief Modesto Quijano.
July's Post its, Promotions and News Picks Published July 7, 2012 By Senior Airman Ashley Ramirez 146th Airlift Wing CHANNEL ISLANDS AIR NATIONAL GUARD STATION, Calif. -- Here is the latest news and information you need to know from the 146th Airlift Wing. For all the most up to date information be sure to check out our public webpage, like us on Facebook or even watch videos from YouTube and follow us on Twitter! Welcome our newest Airmen of the 146th! Timothy McCleary Guido Morales Bryson Phillippe Kurt Joob Barry Rutstein Scott Russell Farewell to all of our retirees and separations! Master Sergeant John Black Master Sergeant Hyrum Simpkins Jr Master Sergeant Peter Hunter Master Sergeant Duane Mottar Congratulations to recent graduates from formal schools! 2nd Liuetenant Sean Smith Pilot-Initial Qualification Airman 1st Class Cameron Davis Loadmaster-Initial and Mission Qualification Technical Sergeant Brian Miliefsky-Air National Guard NCO Academy Airman 1st Class Nicholas Hernandez- Enlisted Undergraduate Space Training Technical Sergeant Adrian Rivera- Aerospace Maintenance Apprentice Senior Airman Darren Melindo- Major Command Airman Leadership School Major James McDonald- Logistics Readiness Officer Dining Facility Menu Not provided by time of publication Religious Services: Catholic Mass: 1100 Protestant Service: 1230 Both services are held in the Commanders Conference Room, Bldg 119 UPDATE: MAFFS missions continuing in Wyoming Here is an update from our webpage regarding our MAFFS missions and firefighting efforts in Colorado and Wyoming. For all the latest news, be sure check out our webpage, like us on Facebook, watch our videos on YouTube and follow us on Twitter! Members of 146th Airlift Wing moved MAFFS (Modular Airborne Firefighting Systems) operations from Colorado Springs, Colo. July 4, 2012, and are now staging flights out of Cheyenne, Wyo.; home of the 153rd AW. The U.S. Forest Service continues to head the battle on wildfires in the Rocky Mountain area with six MAFFS aircraft-two from the 146AW, two from the 153AW, and two from the 302nd Air Force Reserve Command staging from their home station at Peterson Air Force Base, in Colorado Springs. MAFFS efforts have been focused on the Squirrel Creek fire about 70 miles west of Cheyenne. Since June 30 when MAFFS flights commenced, the 146th has performed 29 drops for a cumulative 78, 910 gallons of retardant dropped. Flights continue as weather and conditions permit upon the request of U.S. Forest Service. From the Charlotte North Carolina Family Programs Office: We'd like to begin by thanking everyone for their outpouring of love and support for the crew members and families of MAFFS 7. There has been a tremendous response from the local community which has now spread nationally, is ongoing, for which we are both humbled and grateful. If you are considering a monetary donation please use the information below. We ask that you be very specific regarding the expectation, intent and use for your donation. We're here to help with your donation and want to make sure it is used in the manner for which you intended. Donations directly to the families can also be made and we would gladly help facilitate delivery though the respective Family Liaison Officer. The Friends of the Airmen & Family Readiness Center is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. We'll acknowledge all donations with a "Thank You" letter that includes the tax exempt information for our organization. Please make checks payable to the FAFRC with specific intent of your donation in the "for" section of the check or by separate, otherwise it will be added to the general MAFFS 7 memorial fund. Friends of the Airman & Family Readiness Center Attn: BGen (Ret) Fisk Outwater 4930 Minuteman Way Charlotte, NC 28208-3866 If you are interested in making donations to the children's scholarship funds, please give us a call, as we are currently checking to see if that is a benefit that might already be taken care of. If you would like to send flowers or other donations please forward them to the address below. Again, thank you all for the love and support of our Air Guard Family. Please call (704) 398-4949 if you have questions or if we can be of further assistance. Terry Henderson, Airman & Family Readiness Program Manager 145th Force Support Squadron/FSF, N.C. Air Guard 4930 Minuteman Way, Charlotte, NC 28208 Off: 704-398-4949 Fax: 704-391-4461 Email: Terry.Henderson@ang.af.mil Flag burning ceremony during UTA weekend In light of the upcoming Independence Day holiday, no doubt most of you will be purchasing a new American flag for your house, condo, or RV. To uphold the traditional and proper way to dispose of Old Glory, we are collecting old, tattered, and frayed flags in HQ for a ceremonial flag-burning to be held on July UTA by a local Boy Scout Troop from Ventura. A box is in the Wing CC area for your flags. At 1400 Saturday, of this UTA, behind the OPS building we will hold the ceremony. Please join us if time permits. VA Mobile enrollment here Sunday The VA will be here on station Sunday July 8 to do another mobile enrollment. Members who have been deployed or have never registered for the VA are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity. They will be able to assist in filling out initial enrollment forms as well as performing initial intake physicals. Members who sign up will need to bring a copy of a DD214 to give to the VA representatives. AGR's are not able to enroll with the VA at this time, but they are welcome to come on a walk in basis to speak with the benefits administrator if they would like. Please contact Julie Morency if you would like to make an appointment. 2012 Dining Out Announced The 146AW is pleased to announce the 2012 Dining Out to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ventura. The Dining Out is 4 August. Please see either Capt Chris Lowe or CMSgt Rick Onsgard for more information. Free tickets for Veterans and Active duty FREE TICKETS are available for active duty military, veterans and guests for the play AS YOU LIKE IT which runs from 10-29 July, and is being performed at the VA Hospital grounds in West Los Angeles. It looks like the performances are outdoors, and you can bring your own picnic or buy sandwiches there. For more information call Carolyn at 213-481-2273 GI Bill transfer deadline Members who are eligible to transfer their GI Bill should do it before August 1, 2012 because anyone who transfers after that date will incur a 4 year obligation. There will be no exceptions. Call the Retention office if you have any questions 893-7771. 2012 Ventura County Stand Down Once again, it's time for the 2011 Ventura County Homeless Veterans Stand Down. This year will mark the 20th anniversary of Stand Down helping the homeless veterans. The Stand Down dates are as follows: 18-19 July is for set up, 20-22 July is the Stand Down, and 22 July is for cleanup. As in past years, we are looking for volunteers to help out during stand down. Some of the duties include set up, clean up, preparing meals, serving meals, distributing clothing, tent leaders and just listening to these folks talk about their experiences. This is a great opportunity to give back to our community and help out our homeless veterans. If you are interested in a volunteering for this very worthwhile event, please contact Chief Modesto Quijano.