April Commander's View Published April 15, 2012 By Col. Paul J Hargrove 146th Airlift Wing CHANNEL ISLANDS AIR NATIONAL GUARD STATION, Calif. -- All, I returned on March 17 from the four month deployment as the Deputy Director of Mobility Forces at Al Udeid AB and can say truthfully, I'm very happy to be back. I did learn a lot on this deployment and made several good contacts with the active duty commanders at TACC, 18 AF and AMC. I worked in the Combined Air/Space Operations Center (CAOC), where all flights are planned and controlled in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would like to thank Col Greg Jones, who filled in for me in my absence and did a great job. He has departed for a tour at the National Guard Bureau as the deputy to A3 and I wish him well in the future. I've been in "catch up" mode since returning and it's obvious that all of you have been working hard on the upcoming inspections. Next month, we will have approximately 75 inspectors on base starting with medical on the 14th of May. We will have a Health Services Inspection (HSI), a Logistics Compliance Assessment Program (LCAP) inspection, and a Compliance Inspection (CI). Both the Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES) and the medical group will be inspected during the HSI . The LCAP is the inspection of the maintenance group and the CI is the inspection of all the units on base. Col Rios has done a great job on the self inspection program, which has identified problem areas in our units. We are in overall good shape, but we are working to correct problem areas prior to the inspection. As you prepare for the inspections next month, be sure to take care of yourself during this time. Keep mentally, physically, and spiritually fit. This will help with the stress involved with the preparation and during the actual inspection. Next month, please make extra sure your uniform is looking professional and also bring a good attitude to the base. Your attitude will go a long way in how the inspectors look at you and your programs, so please treat all inspectors with the respect they deserve. Next "Commander's View", I will update you on the simulator project and the US Forest Service C-130 J buy. Have a great drill and I will see you around the base, Col Paul Hargrove 146th AW/CC
April Commander's View Published April 15, 2012 By Col. Paul J Hargrove 146th Airlift Wing CHANNEL ISLANDS AIR NATIONAL GUARD STATION, Calif. -- All, I returned on March 17 from the four month deployment as the Deputy Director of Mobility Forces at Al Udeid AB and can say truthfully, I'm very happy to be back. I did learn a lot on this deployment and made several good contacts with the active duty commanders at TACC, 18 AF and AMC. I worked in the Combined Air/Space Operations Center (CAOC), where all flights are planned and controlled in Iraq and Afghanistan. I would like to thank Col Greg Jones, who filled in for me in my absence and did a great job. He has departed for a tour at the National Guard Bureau as the deputy to A3 and I wish him well in the future. I've been in "catch up" mode since returning and it's obvious that all of you have been working hard on the upcoming inspections. Next month, we will have approximately 75 inspectors on base starting with medical on the 14th of May. We will have a Health Services Inspection (HSI), a Logistics Compliance Assessment Program (LCAP) inspection, and a Compliance Inspection (CI). Both the Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron (AES) and the medical group will be inspected during the HSI . The LCAP is the inspection of the maintenance group and the CI is the inspection of all the units on base. Col Rios has done a great job on the self inspection program, which has identified problem areas in our units. We are in overall good shape, but we are working to correct problem areas prior to the inspection. As you prepare for the inspections next month, be sure to take care of yourself during this time. Keep mentally, physically, and spiritually fit. This will help with the stress involved with the preparation and during the actual inspection. Next month, please make extra sure your uniform is looking professional and also bring a good attitude to the base. Your attitude will go a long way in how the inspectors look at you and your programs, so please treat all inspectors with the respect they deserve. Next "Commander's View", I will update you on the simulator project and the US Forest Service C-130 J buy. Have a great drill and I will see you around the base, Col Paul Hargrove 146th AW/CC