WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:02.833 (inspiring music) 00:18.246 --> 00:20.664 ^- Hi, I'm Staff Sergeant Michael Davenport. 00:20.664 --> 00:23.675 ^I'm a loadmaster with the US Air Force's Reserves, 00:23.675 --> 00:26.305 ^302nd Airlift Wings in Colorado Springs. 00:26.305 --> 00:28.428 ^I've been doing this mission for two years now. 00:28.428 --> 00:32.595 ^And MAFFS is an extremely important mission to me because 00:32.974 --> 00:35.265 nobody wants these fires to happen, 00:35.265 --> 00:37.648 but if they're going to happen, 00:37.648 --> 00:40.023 I want to be out there to help with the effort, 00:40.023 --> 00:41.648 and the guys on the ground to be able 00:41.648 --> 00:44.318 to put these fires out, so they don't take out 00:44.318 --> 00:48.485 anybody's livelihood, no family possessions, pets, 00:49.400 --> 00:51.157 or God forbid, a human life. 00:51.157 --> 00:53.074 I want to be there to stop these fires. 00:53.074 --> 00:55.991 (inspiring music)